Leaving work help/advice!!!!!!

I'm SO DONE with my job. I work at a strip club as a bartender (yes, just a bartender) and I'm 35 weeks pregnant. I haven't been able to leave here since it got bad (it only got bad about 2 months ago when I started showing, now I get treated like trash) because of the fact that nowhere hires pregnant ladies. The hours are terrible I work till the sun comes up and I get treated like shit, typical strip club managers who have no respect for women and I can't take it anymore. Not to mention I'm not even making enough money to support myself anymore since they keep me on the dead nights, I'm working for 7.50/hr. So basically I'm wondering what I can do to make money for the next 5 weeks until I give birth, and then after that I have a little seperate savings account for my "maternity leave" but I'll still need money. Anybody know anything about unemployment/disability? I'm making like 100/week at this dump and I'm stuck, I'm so stressed. I'll take anything else, even if that means living off NY state for a couple months until I can get a new better job. Seriously any advice will be appreciated, I'm losing it here 😤