Ever fall in love AFTER giving birth? (Read below! No judgement please)

I was never a kid person and never really looked forward to being a mom. This was an unplanned pregnancy, first pregnancy, I originally intended on terminating it was convinced by my significant other at the time not to do so. I fell for all his broken promises and selling me a dream of being a family and actually started to get excited but then he heated and left me for another woman around 4.5 months. Since then I have been doing it alone and I even question if he'll be as active as i just knew he would since he's so wrapped up in this new relationship and has shown his true narcissistic colors (he has a child already he shares 50% custody with the mom and he adores his other child very active which is one of the things that made me comfortable keeping it but he hasn't been present during this pregnancy at all since we broke up which makes me concerned he won't feel the same for my child). So needless to say I've struggled pretty much every day of this pregnancy with resentment I let him convince me into doing this. Despite the stress my baby is super healthy which makes me feel guilty but I'm already 36 weeks and still not happy about becoming a mom. Is there a good chance that I'll just fall in love with her when she's born and everything will change for the better?

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