bfn but......

So I had a bfn and a evap line that I'm sure was positive 🤦🏽‍♀️ so symptom flutters and light cramping I'm not sure wat nauseous supposed to feel like so I'm not sure if that's what I been feeling now I always have backache but it's been a whole week and and my back not giving in 😓 very tired but that's not nothing new lol 🤣 now I'm 13dpo and af is due tomorrow she usually come a day early or I would at least be cramping and spotting now I did do a cm check and there was some blood but nothing yet and I checked again and nothing creamy and a lil stretchy I still have glitter and lil cramps here and there. It no af cramps yet 👀👀👀😩😩😩😩😩