Please help!!

My husband and I have been trying to conceive our first child together. We both have kids from previous marriages. We have been trying for a few months now. Never realized how hard it was. I haven't been able to keep up with bbt because well I usually forget as I'm. Of a morning person. My AF use to be regular until this year when it went crazy but that's expected with stress. We moved into our new place, a wedding was planned, and I was fine wishing my masters. Everything has settled down. I've been checking my CM every morning. After my AF finished it was creamy based then went to a watery base bit never got ewcm. I check today and its what I feel like I am drying up not as much CM as the past dew days. Glow says I'm just now entering my fertile week this week as it calculated my cycles to be 36 days (I use to be 30 on the dot). Could I have ovulated and not known? How can I help increase my CM? Any suggestions? Please respond. We really want a child and I'm doing everything I can that I know of..