Moving to Texas

I left my family alone for a great number of reasons. My auntie whom I haven't talked to in months since I been back decided to ask was I looking for a job and etc. I told her I'm getting ready to move out of State. She said "huh" I'm moving out of State and I gotta get back to school. I should have kept me moving out of State and me going back to school to myself. My family members are so damn bitter they talked down on me as if I'm the poorest person on this nation. My tuition is paid for and what they don't know is that I'm a declared independent student for my FAFSA. I worked hard to get where I am in life without their knowledge. I'm completely financial stabled. I hate it when other family members talk down about you as if your education don't mean crap. I told my sister and family that I'm moving to Texas. They act as if you can't afford shit and lecturing me about the cost of living. I got nominated for the FBI Citizen Academy and they ain't proud of that as well. I cut both of my families off completely already. Am I wrong for any of this at all? I live my life quiet all the time.