Nipple piercing and pregnacy...?


I got my nipples peirced in october of 2016.

I found out i was pregnant in January of 2017.

Im 22w1d so far, i do plan on breastfeeding my baby bear... I am aware that it wouldnt be a good idea to breast feed with my peircings in. I really do like my peircings ! My child is far more jmportant tho. My question is when should i take my peircings out? Im not due until september... Ive been hesitant on taking them out so soon becuase they are still in the healing peocess and i dont want to take them out and trap an infection.. If one forms. Will it be fine to leave them in untill at least july or August. Or should i just take them out now. Will this effect my breast milk production?

Please dont answer if you have no experice with nipple peircings... Thanks in advance! 💋