let's talk about your water breaking

Jolene • Momma of a beautiful girl Kinsley Anne born Jan 18th 2016 and due with our 2nd girl Maddison Reece due May 15th 2017
Ladies I want to hear about your water breaking!
I had my dr break mine but surprisingly only a tiny little bit came out and hubs said it looked like a lot of discharge but it wasn't much. Well right before baby was about to be born it broke for good this time, and I heard it, I kept farting a lot I had the epidural so if it came out I had no control over it, and it sounded like one of those farts but more like I straight up just blew my asshole out and diarrhea everywhere, it even smelled like it I was so worried that I did I had hubs look and he's like u didn't poop I think it's your water and sure enough it was, it stunk so bad, my baby had pooped inside which caused her a lot of problems with breathing and all. But I just never heard anyone say it smelled so terrible or sounding like it did, so I just thought I'd see what you ladies have to say about yours!