pregnant & alone

Jess • girl mom + boy mom x2🖤
The father of my son & the son I'm pregnant with left me 3 months ago. Ever since he left he's been seeing another girl. Between my hormones making me cry constantly...I'm stuck with comparing myself to this other girl, imagining them together doing things we did & it's just so horrible to deal with. I've had lots of issues this pregnancy that require a lot of extra monitoring/ultrasounds that I go through alone. It's so hard to be alone during this time & look forward to sharing the birth of our son & not be together. He said he wants to be there & stay over night at the hospital. I'm fine with him being there for the birth but I'm not sure about staying the night. I don't know how you can move on so quickly to another person & during this time. I feel his focus is not on our son or the one on the way. It's about being with her. Anyone else have expeirence with this? Or can offer some positive encouragement?