advice please *long*

So my husband and I were financially stable, i was making 700-800 weekly while he was making 500-600 weekly when we decided to try for baby #2. So when I was about 4mo he decided to switch to a job that paid more. Turns out that they just paid more for training rather than when you actually started working. He stayed there for about 2 weeks. Then he went to the infamous Jet Factory. During that time our son got sick and well we were in the hospital and unfortunately he could only miss a certain amount of days he last his job. He worked with different painting job but nothing official until now that he's finally working in a concrete place and has been there trying to stay stable. Now during the time he was in between jobs, I had been paying Rent, Phone bills, car payments, insurance, diapers, food, plus my prenatal care, and any job supplies he needed and utilities i was the provider basically. Well after he got settled at this job unfortunately the place where I use to work closed job due to the owner doing some shady business. So now we are struggling to have enough for our bills, and I have nothing for baby #2 well I have diapers and we were able to get a car seat but no base. And also a crib. I'm planning on breast feeding. But since I am 34 weeks I'm at risk for preterm labor and I'm freaking out because I have like I said almost nothing and don't know what to do can't sleep at night due to the fact that we are struggling. How did everything go from being good to us barley making it through 😩😞 I've been trying resources with food pantries but can't find a place to get baby clothes we don't even have extra money for that.