Another month, another let down

Samantha • My name is Samantha. I have 3 kids, ( 18, 13, and 7!) My fiance and I are currently TTC. I won't be on Glow much longer, but I am on Baby Bump Pro (killerqueen612)
I thought for sure I was going to be pregnant. Did everything I was supposed to, had certain symptoms, and today, my AF came.. 2 days early. 😔. I'm so upset. I don't understand what's wrong with me. It's been a rough morning, and at this point, I just want to hide from the world. I'm so excited for everyone who got their BFP. I am just tired of hearing "be grateful for the kids you have". I AM grateful, and almost feel badly because I do have kids, and so many amazing women out there struggle just to have one. I'm sorry for seeming selfish 🙁. I never knew I'd WANT another until I had a miscarriage... and now, that's all I think about. To those who got their BFP, I'm so happy for you, and I wish you all the best.