please help me! I'm desperate for advise!πŸ˜–πŸ˜–

Okay. So my boyfriend and I have gone threw SO much. It's incredible how we're still together. Here's a little background detail.. He's a 34 year old Muslim Afghan and I'm a 22 year old Christian Mexican. I've been with him for almost 2 years now. His religion doesn't allow him to date( keep in mind he's been married before and had a lot of arranged marriages that he set up but some how never happened. Not sure why and also he never told me about it. I was snooping one day and found out and then he denied it for an hour then confessed ) well like two months ago he left me move to Las Vegas ( I live In the Bay Area,California ) he told me to wait for him. And when he came back everything would just be amazing. He was only going to be gone for a month. He left because he needed to go to his " sisters " house. Because his brother in law was going to give him $10,000 for helping him with a company, first time I heard he knows how to do that. When he was over there... he took plenty of " little " trips around with his " family " he didn't bother calling me. Not even a text. Because he supposedly didn't want to get caught being in a relationship. His mom talked to him about arranged marriage that she wants to set up for him.Because she's getting old and wants him to have kids. Well that's what he told me. He tried forcing me to marry him or else he'd marry that other girl. I said it's fine he can go have her because I was not going to be pressured into marriage! Well he eventually got back from Las Vegas.. I have not seen him improving his life what so ever! He STILL lives in his car. I'm STILL having to support him! He STILL struggling. And he left to Vegas to supposedly make money to open up a hookah lounge in the bay. He had no job no cash no nothing when he left. And when he came back he had an interview, that I had to take him and I canceled my plans for that day. It was pretty far. So what He told me was that he gave that money he earned from Vegas to his mom. She's in New York so she can save it and he won't spend it. To be honest.. I THINK IT WAS A TOTAL LIE AS TO WHY HE WENT THERE. He had three phones.. that I caught him with. He's always at work. Which I'm not complaining about. And I'm a full time college student and if I'm not at school I'm home. When he gets days off or when he gets off early.. he just wants to spend it at my house laying on my couch. He never wants to go out. I can't hang out with my friends or he'll go crazy. So therefore I'm always home. I never leave my house unless if it's to grab a bite to eat or to school. Well lately.. it's literally been ALLL About him. How he feels what he wants. For example if I say my heads hurting, he completely ignores it and says something like " omg my body hurts " if I tell him I feel ugly then he turns it around and says he's feeling ugly. Instead of giving me comfort. He has NOT been wanting to have sex with me either. It's been all about him. He's always wanting me to cancel everything just to go help him out with something and I ALWAYS do it. When I need something he's ALWAYS making up an excuse. he can't even take me to the hospital when I was too sick to drive. I had to wait until my mom got off work so she can take me in my car. He said he was too tired to take me and he doesn't want to get sick. That's why he didn't take me. He's never there when I need him either. He's always making me mad and cry and feel ugly about myself. I have bad depression. Idk what to do anymore. I tried breaking up with him and not speaking for a couple of days. And it doesn't really seem to bother him. He tells me if I want to leave him then I can do it. And he doesn't know why he's with me.. then hours after he tells me he only told me that because he was mad. One more thing, he ALWAYS wants me to show him my phone. I get mad but I still do it! He on the other hand last night, he was signing up for classes online on his phone and he told me we should take classes together. My phone was at 1% so I asked him if I can use his phone after because I was too lazy to get my charger which I had to look for since i misplaced it. He got defensive and was like no. You can get your charger and use your phone. Then when I got mad. And I told him to leave my house if he wasn't going to show me it( KEEP IN MIND, I hardly EVERRRRR ask him for his phone because I'm scared I might see something I won't like ) he got up and called me a hoe and left.. yes we do have horrible fight and curse at each other bad, I know it isn't right!!!! 😞 . He's not the loving gentle caring person I once fell I love with.... I need help what are your thoughts about my situation. Everyone's free to express their opinion. I'd appreciate it so much!!!!! And I know in the end it's my choice as to what I do, but id really appreciate your guys thoughts!! Thank you for taking the time to read this!!! I appreciate it so much !!!!!!Β