I just can't understand

My mom is going through a very difficult time. She left her abusive husband and son and has tried to kill herself multiple times. She has a difficult personality and has been verbally abusive to my sister and me for years even though we are the only ones that help and support her. Today she said no one stands up for her. I tried to explain how me and my sister do, but she didn't care. Later in the day I came across Exodus 14:14 "The Lord will fight for you, you only need to be still". Knowing she is not religious I sent this to her because who better to be on your side than the Lord of all creation! She texted back "I don't believe in god. I believe in physics.

1) I believe in physics too... it's all around us. It's not one or the other..

2) If you have hit rock bottom, why not try believing in something new?