6 week heart beat!!

Jocelynne • 🇨🇦 mom to 3 sweet angels, 🎀 👶🏼 MRC 01/18/2018, ZWC 03/06/2020
Went to the emerg last night due to cramping and some spotting, they did blood work and an abdominal ultrasound all he could see was a sac so he scheduled a vaginal ultrasound for this morning! We went for the ultrasound expecting bad news as the doctor told us that is could be a blighted ovum or an ectopic pregnancy, to my surprise there it was a little tiny baby 6w3d with a heartbeat of 114-117! I got to see it, it was the most amazing feeling after 2 missed miscarriages not seeing a heartbeat, I couldn't get excited about this pregnancy! But now I can!!! So happy we got to see a heartbeat and baby so soon!!