
I miscarried over Easter at 7 weeks, I did opks once I had a negetative preg test but I only bd 2 days before I ovulated but I'm pretty sure I did ovulate and now I'm waiting for my first period since losing the baby. I've become obsessed with the idea that I could be pregnant again - I would only be 9 days past ovulation today but I started doing pregnancy tests yesterday morning. I got a shadow line on a clear blue early and posted the pic on faint positives/bfn and got quite a few people agreeing it looked like it could be a line. I bought first response pink dye tests and did one last night and one this am with FMU...both bfn! Stark white! I feel like a crazy person. All I can think about is the possibility even though I know it's unlikely and I can't change it anyway. I tell myself I won't test again until af is late but then I think maybe just maybe there will be a line. I would have been 12 weeks this week and should have been making announcements but instead I'm obsessively checking my cervix, doing pregnancy tests and trying not to let my SO know that it's all I think about at the moment. I'm also so scared of how I'm going to feel when af arrives and I regularly think about the fact I might not ever conceive again or my next could be another miscarriage. I just feel so overwhelmed...Just wanted to put my behaviour and thoughts out there to see if anyone else feels like me and is behaving like me so I don't feel like such a crazy woman 🙁 or just to have some words of advice and comfort (sorry about the essay!) x