Breastfeeding question

Does your baby favor on of your breast than the other? My baby doesn't​ like my left, but takes milk on my right. It's frustrating because now I have low milk supply on my left. :(
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Try a chiropractor for your babe.  Sometimes little ones get out of alignment just like we do and it can be painful to turn and latch one direction but not the other. 


Amanda • May 27, 2017
I should be specific that you need to find a chiropractor who specializes in infant adjustments.


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No but i do lol. I just feel like we can get more comfortable when he's on my right side and i subconsciously put him on my right side more. I have to remind myself to start off on the left side more. As for your baby, maybe try switching it up and doing different positions on the side he doesnt like.