this is gonna sound strange, but I have a question for pregnant mommies!!

Did your cervical mucus change?? lol I know odd questions to ask!! But, I have been watching my cervical mucus very closely since my husband and I had an incident 11 days ago. I think I ovulated within 4 days, and I was fertile at the time we had sex...meaning I'm currently about 10 dpo give or take...typically this far out my CM would go back to being tacky white, dry...but it's not...It's white, very thick, and what does that mean?! 
Other theory ideas... my 16 month old has been SO Whiney and clingy the last week, and is trying to nurse more instead of less...
I've had a minor migraine off and on this entire week...and I'm just exhausted! 
I tested today it was negative, and then o started doing some digging and realized I'm only about 10 or 11 dpo so, ofcourse it's too soon lol