Bruising during pregnancy

October Momma • 22 year old happily married mother of boy girl twins, Emma and Alden, born 10/11/17😊
I'm currently 17 weeks pregnant. Prior to pregnancy I legitimately never bruised. If I did, I had to do something really bad in order for it to bruise. Once I accidentally even hit myself in the face with the stick of a shovel, I was digging up a bush and the shovel got stuck so when I went to pull it out it slipped and hit my eye, and I still didn't bruise. In the last few weeks I noticed that I've started bruising much easier. I bumped into my dog crate yesterday and have a bruise today. I also have other unexplained bruises. I haven't done anything recently that would have caused me to bruise pre-pregnancy. Is this normal? I didn't know if it was from increased blood volume or something bad. I know bruising can be a sign of iron deficiency in non pregnant women. Thoughts?