My husband doesn't want to cut the cord

So, my husband is the sweetest man on the planet but he's also very squeamish and refuses to cut the umbilical cord lol. I already expected this as he didn't cut our daughters either, or my stepdaughters. With my daughter, my MIL cut the cord, but this time I only want me and my husband in the room because my mom will have my daughter with her & well his mom .. I just don't want her in there again (nice way of putting it 😂). 
However, I really don't want the doctor or nurse to cut the cord. To me it's a special moment and I would feel bad if my son didn't have someone special cut his cord too. Maybe I'm being silly. It's not a big deal if a nurse does it, it's just not ideal. So, what should I do? My husband thinks he can convince them to let me cut my own cord but I don't even know if that's possible 😂 should I try and talk him into it? Just let the nurse do it? Idk!
*i should've added this but birth is not traumatizing or gross to my husband, in fact he LOVES watching and won't stand next to me because he would rather stare at my vagina and thinks watching the head come out is the coolest thing ever 😂🙄 he just doesn't like the feel of the cord and is afraid of hurting the baby. Thank you all for your responses, I think I will ask if I can do it myself!*