Ex boyfriend troubles

My ex and I were together for three years. 2 weeks ago we got into a small argument and he said we needed a break. Just under a week after that we met up to talk in Person and he told me he didn't wanna fix things, he was crying, I was crying, and he told me he'd always love me, blah blah blah. I saw him a few days later because I didn't know he was at my friends (mutual friend, they've been friends for 12 years) and he told me he kissed a random girl one night. He's been hanging out with his co workers EVERY night since, and he told me before our break up he doesn't even consider them his friends...We went a total of four days no contact, he broke the contact by texting me saying he's sorry he had to block me and told me how he's not doing good at all, losing weight, can't sleep. Now today he is telling me about how he's going to the beach and having a movie night probably just to rub it in my face. I'm confused. What should I do?