Can You Be Too Nice?

Jacqueline • Associates, Bachelors and Masters Degree Holder 🎓3.97 GPA🤓Certified Debater🗣Mommy Of One☝🏽
I have a big problem...I'm quiet and reserved. I don't speak my mind and I usually let other people control situations. I'll get my feelings hurt all day but when it comes to other people, I don't want to say anything out of a fear of a conflict happening. My feelings get hurt easily but I know that when I do talk, I can say some hurtful things. I'm starting to think I need to be meaner towards people. I've grown up with four brothers and sisters who have always spoken up for me...I've never had to do it for myself. I can't find that voice in me. In turn, I ALWAYS get I too nice? What the hell is it????? 

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