I'm pregnant but can't stop thinking about telling friend.

So I've just found out I'm pregnant, I'm over the moon. The hardest thing is not telling people. However I'm in really difficult position. My best friend can't conceive. She's been through a few rounds of <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">ivf</a> and they have now started the adoption process. I don't know how to tell her, when to tell her!  We've talked about it in the past and I know how upsetting and hard she finds it when people she knows are getting pregnant. I have a son who is 14 his twin brother was still born. I have also had a few miscarriages when I was with my ex husband. So I'm already nervous about just being pregnant. I know I should wait till the first scans but it's playing so heavily on my mind. Any advice would be appreciated. I know it's going to be so hard for her!