10 days late....BFN. UPDATE.

Lena • I`m 28, 💍for almost 5 years and TTC for almost 4 years. Taking it 1 day at a time.

I'm officially 10 days late and 23dpo. As of yesterday I still got a BFN. We have been trying for 2 years and I am so over this! I am almost always on time (give or take a day). I am have none of my normal AF symptoms and quite a few pregnancy symptoms but I just can't let myself get my hopes up. I hate this and I feel so alone......why does my body and mind mess with me like this? So sad 😢😢😭😭

Thanks to whoever reads this, I just needed to vent and get it all out.

Update-ish: so I am now 15 days late and 28dpo. Still getting BFNs. This is so hard and I am so confused.