Having a hard time deciding what to do. Which should I choose.

I'm a single mom, with barely any income coming in at this time. I have a friend making 5k, actually most of the time MORE THAN THAT every month, by working online. Just to cut out people who might suggest asking someone to borrow money or anything, I have no support and no people to ask. Anyways to start making that kind of money she has made it cost about $100 to start, please no judgements if you dont believe in it I've seen the proof to know it works for a friend of mine. But then I have another issue where I can get my credit fixed in a quick amount of time and I have other friends who have used the same service and of course I did my research and the company is amazing but their services are a one time $269. I can only afford to pay for one right now until next month, i have too many bills for both this month. Which one should I do right now CREDIT OR ONLINE BUSINESS? I have 0 good credit but alot of bad credit from being an idiot when i was younger and I'd like to have a place in my own name and get a car in my own name. But I'm also tired of living paycheck to paycheck. So as you can see im stuck. Rude people please go somewhere, i wont be doing the back and forth.