Something's missing

It seems like I'm constantly chasing something to make me happy. A few years ago I was chasing my dream of getting my masters...did it. Then it was the dream of living in New York...done. In the midst of it I met the love of my life and am now married, 2 years this June. Those of you reading this are wondering what is she missing? Why is she complaining? First, I've been put through the ringer to get to this point and have been dealing with depression since I was 14, now 31. The thing about depression is that no matter what you gain or how many wins you get, you're always chasing "happy." Even though I'm still searching for that elusive feeling, I do know that one thing I've always wanted was a family. I am desperately wanting to get pregnant, but I have the odds against me. I have PCOS, am over 30 and overweight. Not to mention that my husband wants us to wait a bit longer. Being able to vent about this has truly helped, even if no one reads it. Would welcome any advice, I'm a therapist, so getting other people's words of wisdom is a nice change. :)