still losing weight at 16 weeks..

amanda • FTM to be💙🌍11.16.17
I'm starting to worry... I'm 16 weeks today, and I'm down 7 pounds since my appointment 3 weeks ago. If anything, I'm less active and I'm trying to eat as much as I can. I don't see a reason for this because I was fortunate enough to have little to no morning sickness in my first trimester, and I had gained 5 pounds a few weeks after becoming pregnant . I'm extremely stressed out in the process of finding a new job and getting a new place.. while remaining broke lol. But that's beside the point. I'm trying sooo hard to mantain a good diet and increase calories but I guess I need some suggestions here. I know the simple answer would be to stuff my face but sometimes it's hard with the stress, it can leave me with a very little appetite. I'll be discussing it with my doctor when I see him next week but In the mean time I wanted to see what some of you ladies in a similar situation do or did. Thanks in advance