please help! any thoughts are appreciated!

My boyfriend and I have been together for awhile now, a little over a year. We're in our senior year of college and everything is as good as you could ever imagine. We are two peas in a pod! But there is one I can count on one hand how many times we've had sex in the past 2-3 months. I don't know what's wrong with me?!? I still find him very attractive and when we do have sex it's amazing, honestly. Even before this we didn't have a boring sex life, we were always up to try new things, but all of a sudden I have no sex drive. Is there anything I can do to fix this? Again, still extremely attracted to him, and I do love him, I need to fix this asap he's even been asking if I've cheated on him and that's why I don't wanna have sex. He thinks I'm not attracted to him anymore even when I reassure him I am! 
Please help 😫