I screamed at someone in customer service

I feel so bad about it.... I was mid-panic attack. Some backstory: my son's deadbeat dad has been harassing and stalking me, getting his many girlfriends and (now former) boss to call and harass/threaten me... I tried the "ignore it and they will get bored" approach, and that led to them pressing fake charges on me, each charge got worse and worse and worse. It also led to frivolous restraining orders against me (even though they have my license plate number memorized on these charges 🙄). Tuesday they signed an agreement saying if I dismissed my restraining order against him, they wouldn't press more fake charges on me & dismiss any pending ones. I hate it, because I very much want a restraining order against all of them, but the judge said "until it happens, it's hard to give restraining orders because of threats and them driving by your house and taking photos of your car". I feel like my house is made of glass and everyone is watching me. Now my rant::: So yesterday, I was drawing a surreal photo of my friend (first time in a LONG TIME I've sat down, and drew something creative and got lost in the moment of it). Out of no where there was a banging knock on the door, like how police knock. Immediate heart rate increase, immediate panic and anxiety, considering I have NO money from lawyer fees and my ex threatening my boss which got me fired. I have no way to bail myself out if I'm getting arrested this time for something I didn't do. I looked out the window, and see a DirectV/AT&T sales person RUNNING AWAY from my front yard... mind you, I have T H R E E signs on my door saying do not knock, because the dogs will wake the baby/I know who my god is/I know who I am voting for/I'm too broke to buy whatever you're selling. When he got to the road he turned around and smiled and waved.... Ho-ly fuck I was ANGRY 😡. I called DirectTV customer service which was impossible to get through without an account number. Somehow got connected to billing and just WENT OFF on the woman on the phone. I told her I've dealt with stalking and having false charges filed on me, and the LAST thing I needed was someone banging on my door despite the THREE SIGNS saying ~go away~, and she says "well call the police on them" 🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️. You want me to call the police on one of your door to door representatives?! What?! She then transferred me to the same "enter your account number" line which got me no where. I called at&t and demanded to know who was in charge of sending reps to my area because I didn't see the dude go to any other houses after he ran away from mine. I have NEVER screamed at someone in customer service and I feel awful about it 😔. I'm just stressed to the point my ex is trying to either get me to kill myself, or make me a felon just like him and ruin my life. After dealing with that, I had  major chest pains ALL DAY until I went for a 5+ mile walk and walked the anxiety out. I hope putting my regret out into the electronic world reaches her in some sort of way. The other woman said a manager would be contacting me soon, and I hope SOMETHING good can happen for once.