DO I OVULATE or NOT OVULATE?? That is the question!


So I had a chem preg back in march. My cycle was 31 days in april and I had a LOT of CM for over a week. I didnt use a OPK that month cause the doctor suggested to wait one cycle to "try" again. Well we didnt "try" but because i saw so much CM we still had sex in what i thought was my FW and still wasnt pregnant. Next cycle was only 26 days and i did use an OPK and it said high fertility from day 12 to 25 and still didnt peak.

I always thought if you had a regular period you DID ovulate. Maybe the chem threw my cycle off?? I feel like i must not be ovulating and i dont understand why. Any advice or experience??? Never thought i didnt ovulate but now im starting to question it. I am going to the doctor in a couple weeks to take a blood test on day 23 to see but just curious now. Help please!!!