For about 7 months I struggled with infertility I went to the fertility clinic and found out I had o...

For about 7 months I struggled with infertility I went to the fertility clinic and found out I had one blocked Fallopian tube and that I had pcos so after months of Clomid and metformin I said to my self I'm going to try one more thing and if it doesn't work I'm getting <a href="">ivf</a>!!!!!! I was so over the disappointment and negative test every month So I did a cycle of clomid, metformin, and hcg trigger shot with timed intercourse the next month my period came I was so disappointed I was like that's it I'm going to enjoy my summer get it off my mind and next year I'll get <a href="">ivf</a> the following month comes and I notice my period is four days late I said to myself don't even get worked up for nothing the fifth day of my late period I finally went and got a home pregnancy test and got my BFP!!!!!!!! I cried with joy I went to the doctors the next day they confirmed my pregnancie and I found out that I was 5 weeks come to find out the cycle were I had did the clomid metformin and hcg shot it worked!!!!!! And the <a href="">glow app</a> was very helpful as well helping me track everything well that my story I wish every one lots of baby dust !!!!!