Friends.. ? Good idea or bad idea?


So at work, there are 3 females that hate me. They barely acknowledge me and talk shit about me to everyone but never to my face. I have chosen to ignore them for the most part and keep things civil since the way I see it, it's their problem that they don't like me and not mine. Anywho, the LEAST rude one of the 3 got pregnant a few months after I did and she remained more or less rude to me but not as bad as the other 2. Fast foward 6 months or so and now I have a 6 month old and she has a 4 month old and all of a sudden she is extra nice to me. She even asked if she could come over for a play date. I thought about it and figured sure, why not. So a few days after the play date, she texts me and basically says she's sorry she was rude to me before, and that the other 2 girls aren't her friends anymore because she started talking to me, and that she's fine with that because obviously they weren't real friends to begin with.

So far, I have decided to be nice to her because it's nice to have play dates and reallly, she's the one that had a problem with me whereas I didn't care either way.

Should I continue being nice to her and be somewhat friends?

Or should I stop being nice to her since she was rude to me in the past?


I guess my hesitation comes from wondering if she's being nice to me because she genuinely wants to be friends. Or if she's being nice to me because the other 2 girls don't hang out with her anymore because they like to party and are single and she's married and has a baby now.