My DH finally understands how I feel

Briana • Boy Girl Twins Born July 2018 at 32 Weeks after TTC since June 2015. MFI and APA syndrome. Had 4 IUIs and IVF fresh transfer prior to FET (2 early miscarriages from IUI and fresh transfer)
My DH and I will hit our TTC 2 year mark at the end of this month. We are dealing with MFI and he was prescribed clomid for it by his urologist which has helped a little bit. We've gone through 3 IUIs. Our first resulted in a chemical. We've taken the month off of IUIs to do another Consult to re-evaluate if a 4th would do us any good. These last few months have been especially hard emotionally for me... celebrating big events for my nephews and friends giving birth have lead to me isolating myself at the events to cry. My DH just gets a lil annoyed because I can't keep it together. Last night at our nephew's pre-k graduation was tough for me but before I could really get emotional he squeezed my hand and said he finally felt the way I've been feeling at all the past events and apologized for being so insensitive. He said he finally understood I was upset because we never know when or if we will get to experience those events as parents. I finally feel like we are on the same page. I hate that he's hurting like me but it's great to finally be understood.