young and pregnant-help

So I'm pregnant. I'm 16. And I have no idea what to do. I went to my local sexual health clinic, which was hard enough, and they've referred me to an abortion clinic. I'm keeping this hidden from my parents and only my boyfriend knows. I have to ring the clinic and book an appointment, even this I'm petrified of. Hes wanting to come to all appointments but he's in the army and getting any days off and traveling home is so difficult I don't want him to have so much trouble. So I'm most probably going to go on my own. The journey is two hours away by bus. So 2hours add the 3-5hour appointment add the 2hours home is a long long time to be making up stories to my parents where I have been. What do I do? Where do I say I go? 
The clinic is also only open mon-Friday.. and I cannot get any days off school as I had my exams every day. So I'd have to go in two weeks, after they've finished. Will this 2 weeks extra be a problem to getting an abortion. The clinic took a test and said I could be anywhere from 6-10weeks pregnant. How long and what are the risks of each way of an abortion. Which method would you recommend? Hoping to be the easiest, quickest way. I am so scared and I understand I am asking many questions but please give any part of information you know. Thank you so much x