I found out I'm pregnant...now my worse nightmare

Bridget • Recently engaged💎 to the man of my dreams💖, have the job of my dreams, things r amazing only one thing could make it even better 🍼
I found out I was pregnant on Wednesday. Now we're having an ...abortion on this Wednesday. I'm beyond heart broken everyone who knows me knows all my life all I ever wanted to be was a mom. However we cannot afford a child at this time. I'm engaged and buying a home with him soon. I have to stopped crying in 3 days barely out of bed. My world is falling apart. My fiancé is so worried about my safety as I have been having panic attacks over this. I feel sick to my core, I never thought I'd be here in this position. Can anyone offer me some thoughts about how I can get thru this?
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Posted at
Wow is my initial reaction. There is never a perfect time to bring a child into the world. Children change things in relationships, but they are a blessing. If you wait for the perfect time, you'll never have a child. Even when you feel prepared, you're not. If I was you, I'd re-evaluate the situation and find a way to make it work - additional jobs, state assistance, church assistance, local nonprofits, family, friends, and anything else or one you can think of. It's not an easy decision at all. It is somethinrg that you'll have to live with everyday and something that could change the course of your relationship and future fertility. Think about it long and hard. If you have any doubts, which it's obvious you do, don't do it. 


Brittany • Jun 4, 2017
I agree, when I found out I was pregnant my husband and I had no place to live. we were both working but we were staying in a motel. we got us a place to live before baby came. it's hard but we are making it work and we have never been happier.


Danielle • Jun 4, 2017
I 100% agree. You're never going to have a baby at "the perfect time." If your are having this much doubt about it, then you and your fiancé seriously need to re-evaluate. I really hope you guys reconsider.


Rebecca • Jun 4, 2017
Couldn't have said it any better! You can always figure it out. ❤️


Posted at
I got pregnant right after graduating high school and intended to abort my pregnancy. I walked out of that appt and decided to keep my baby!I just watched her graduate from college!Please, *If you are so inclined... Message me and I will lovingly give you as close to a million reasons to keep your baby as I can!


Posted at
I don't mean to be rude, but why were you trying to have a baby if you knew it wasn't a good time?


Tanya • Jun 4, 2017
i just saw that in her profile too! im truly heart broken the only thing i can think of is maybe the hubby didn't know she was trying I'm utterly confused


Grace • Jun 4, 2017
in her profile


Jade • Jun 4, 2017
where does it say she was trying to have a baby?


Posted at
I just read your status on your page...enough said.


Tanya • Jun 4, 2017
omg are you serious??? that's awful and now she's gonna have an abortion wow!!


Sarah • Jun 4, 2017
I feel like revoking my comment after reading that :/ ugh


Alyssa • Jun 4, 2017
Her profile says recently engaged to the man of her dreams only one thing could make it better 🍼


Posted at
Instead of terminating your pregnancy, put your baby up for adoption.  This world is full of people that want to be a mom or a dad and can't have children of their own. 


Tanya • Jun 4, 2017
well her bio says she's married to the man of her dreams so i wouldn't just jump and say its his. this is horrible a baby has to die for her poor choices itw just wromg if there in the process of buying a house then im quite sure they coukd figure things out for this baby . i was 15 Years old when i got pregnant and i figured it out on my own!!!!! and i now have a 20 son whos doing so well for himself m where there's a will there's a way maybe he didnt know she was trying for a baby what if its her fault?? so dont be so quick to push the blame on him


Grace • Jun 4, 2017
Olivia #2, i just read past posts, her fiance who told her she needed to lose weight even knowing she struggles with an eating disorder. Yeah, it sounds like she is not in a good relationship with this tool bag, I agree that it's probably him


☠️⚓🇨🇱Olivia 🇨🇱⚓☠️ • Jun 4, 2017
other Olivia, her profile says the only thing that could make her life better is a 🍼so, she clearly wants the baby and she isn't all the way wanting the abortion. After seeing some of her other posts, I wouldn't be surprised if this is 99% her fiance.


Posted at
Was this your fiancé's decision ? The way you have written this makes me feel like it is not your decision.. Well It is YOUR decision, no one else's. Do not do anything you don't want to do. You can absolutely make it work. You can and will find a way if you want to. This is something that you will regret for the rest of your life if it is not what you want. Please think long and hard about this! Push the date back if you need to! 


Bethany • Jun 4, 2017
I agree. It sounds like it was him not her


☠️⚓🇨🇱Olivia 🇨🇱⚓☠️ • Jun 4, 2017
Exactly my thoughts. like 💯💯💯💯


Posted at
The crying and anxiety are physical manifestations of your subconcious telling you that you don't want to go through with the abortion. A child is always a gift no matter what. It might be difficult to bring your baby into this world being in the situation you are in but I promise you it will all work out. 


Sk • Jun 4, 2017
It's pretty much a duha


Katherine • Jun 4, 2017
Oh, where did you get your Psychiatry degree?


Posted at
I'm pro choice but it doesn't sound like you really want an abortion. I don't think you should get an abortion if you want this baby. I know there is a lot to figure out, but if you want to make it work, you can. You have 9 months to figure everything out. I don't think anyone should be pressured into getting an abortion if they don't want one. Have you thought about seeing a therapist to try to help you figure some things out?


Bethany • Jun 4, 2017
You said it best


Posted at
I'm not sure what I can offer but it sounds like this is not what you want. I was terrified when I find out I was pregnant with my first because I was just finishing high school and couldn't afford to raise a child. I'm glad I chose to figure out another way and I wont say it was easy but he is 9 now and I don't regret my decision. I strongly believe that things can work out just not always as you plan.


Posted at
If you already feel like this, please don't do it. Yes, babies are expensive, but with a little creativity you can make it work. Or, consider adoption. I'm super pro choice, but in the case where you're literally not able to cope with your choice it's because it's probably the wrong choice for you. Whatever you do, I wish you all the best.