32 y/o & TTC

Hi everyone! I joined a while ago but this is only my 2nd post. I am currently on my 11th month if TTC.  I took a small break from obsessing over TTC after numerous suggestions that I wasn't conceiving bc of overthinking the situation. But I really haven't put much thought into it the past few months. Still no BFP. However, I did start seeing a fertility specialist in April after blood tests with my ob/gyn in October. So far DH and I have been cleared with healthy tests on everything, including semen analysis, healthy/high count follicles, clear tubes etc. Our next step would be starting on clomid next cycle. I had stopped using opk in February but bought some today. I just wanted to see if anyone has had a success story naturally around this time frame of TTC or what your opinions are on clomid. I do believe in everything happening at the right time, but I'm just curious as to why everything is coming out "normal" yet we haven't gotten our BFP. I guess I just need a little encouragement before I lose all hope. I know to some extent 11 months is not much time, but when you are watching everyone around you conceive in less than 3 months it's hard not to feel like an eternity has passed by me.