
I started out pretty excited being pregnant, though unexpected. After many arguments, two abortion appointments that we ditched, and many debates we decided we couldn't part with it. Partner has taken a long time to come around. But now I'm to the point where I never got to enjoy this pregnancy, my family has not been involved, nor do I have friends to talk to.

I'm about 32w, and every week closer I get more and more resentful of what I'm doing. This life is precious, but I don't feel love towards him, and scared I won't when he comes. Any other moms not feel sure if this was the right choice for them up till birth? I feel terrible and that I won't be enough for him and can't give him what he deserves.

Adoption is an option, but worried that SO and I will be so torn by it it will also terminate our relationship. It was one of the reasons we couldn't abort.

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