complete placenta previa at 15 weeks.

Pamela • Son Patrick 3/6/06. Chemical pregnancy 11/2016. Baby girl/boy twins Liliana and Alexander 11/7/17
I am currently 15w1d with di/di twins. At my appointment last week my delivering dr said that everything looked fine but he really didn't feel comfortable with me flying to Italy for our wedding anniversary/babymoon. I would be 19 weeks going and 20 weeks coming back. He also didn't want me to fly back to my hometown of NYC at 23 weeks for my baby shower. We canceled Italy and moved up my shower to 21 weeks. This weekend we took our son to Disney. We had these tickets before I got pregnant and it's only a 3 hr drive from our house. I only did the first Park with them for about 2 hrs on Saturday and then spent the rest of the time at the resort resting while they did the parks. Last night I got up to get ready for dinner and I noticed that I started bleeding bright red. Not a lot but I know with any bright red bleeding to contact my dr. They thought it couldn't be from my sub chorionic hemorrhage but wanted me checked for peace of mind. There they found that I have complete placenta previa and ordered on strict bedrest and I can't lift anything heavier than a coffee cup. I heard that this early in the pregnancy, sometimes it corrects itself. Has anyone else have this happen and what was the outcome? Now I'm debating if I should tell our family to just cancel the shower before they spend any more money. 
PS- babies are doing well. A is measuring 15w5d HR 153 and B is measuring 15w6d HR 135.