miscarriage ...HELP

Amber • Engaged... Had Our Rainbow Baby December 1st,2019💖 Welcomed our Son April 10,2022💙 After TTC 7years!!
I'm 9 Week 5 Days had a nightmare at the ER yesterday.... however nothing they could do but make it worse.. followed up with my Doctor and they confirmed I am having a miscarriage😢 this was my first pregnancy after trying for 5 years!😢 and we've lost our lil baby.... as well I've chosen to allow my body to release noir baby.. and it has begun... I'm in the worse pain ever and I don't know what to do from here.... how long does a miscarriage last.... I've only been having it for about and hour now .... and I'm just ready for this to be over.... my Doctor said I lost the baby at 7 weeks 4 days I just didn't have any symptoms at all..