Do you know where your partner stands on values that are important to you?

I sometimes see posts on here from people who suddenly have an epiphany that their husbands are vehemently anti-gay, racist or have opposing views to any number of topics. 
Usually it goes something like this "I just found out my husband said he would disown my child if she came home with a black man and I don't know what to do. This conversation just never came up before!" Or "I just found out my husband doesn't want kids! I just assumed he did!"
I kind of find it difficult to believe you could marry or live long term with someone without knowing their basic core values. I know my values and my husbands align on all fronts. 
Have you and your partners discussed your values? And if not, why not? 
*im not talking about discussing religion. Religion is fluid and some people of one faith believe one thing while some believe another. Religion doesn't dictate your core principles in most cases*

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