Would you say something??

My husband and I attended a friends wedding last weekend and there were at least 5 pregnant ladies there (including myself!) We were seated at a table next to a window and at dinner I glanced outside and saw one of the pregnant ladies smoking a cigarette with her friend. I immediately felt sick and started to tear up (oh those pregnancy hormones!) I just felt so awful for that unborn baby and felt inclined to say something to the woman. My husband vehemently disagreed and said it was none of my business. I told him no one is defending the poor defenseless baby but he still did not want to cause any conflict. We argued for about 15 minutes and I got increasingly upset. As it turns out the woman smoking was not pregnant, just larger in the belly area (we got a better look at her when she came back inside) so thank god I didn't approach her! But my question is, if you saw an undoubtedly pregnant woman engaging in dangerous behavior (smoking or drinking) would you say something or leave it as it's not your place/business?

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