Opinions on squatting?

Kealey 🚨👮🏼🍝🏳️‍🌈🇨🇦 • Demi- Pansexual • wannabe randi • meatball head • Ex- Jehovah's Witness • Pro-CHOICE • pro-drugs • GAD & Depression • 16 years old • Polite Canadian until you piss me off •
First off: ever heard of the squatty potty? If not you may want to look it up before answering this poll!!
Welcome back for all those that searched it up. I know not all of their claims are true. So I tested it out myself a little. I started just putting a small basket under my feet to put me into that squatting position. And I've had weird bowel problems for years! Always big stools. Always unflushable. However this method seems to work for me. Feel way more eliminated and happy!
And basically, if you didn't do some research, quite a few claim that in the squatting position it allows the canal (can't remember the name for the life of me!!!) to open making it so it slides out.
Maybe china and other countries aren't so "third world" for using the squatting method 
So, any of you tried it? Like it? Hate it?
Any studies suggesting it doesn't even help?

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