so confused

I'm thoroughly confused ... I've taken about 8 pregnancy tests all different brands clear blue, first response , the dollar store brand and they all came out faint positive so I took it upon myself to go see if I can get confirmed from a hospital they did a test drew blood and did a ultrasound im not sure how to read a ultrasound but to me it looked like I saw a lil peanut in the sac and then there were some stuff he highlighted in red on my ultrasound too so I would assume they were coming back to tell me I was further along then I thought or something but NO they said that my tests came back negative blood work and urine sample and I'm sitting here like wtf 😐 I got these positives all these symptoms and period 2 days late I'm really scratching my head on this one I shouldn't have went to that hospital someone please shed some light on the situation