Castor Oil for induction


The Natural Labor Induction Serious on Evidence Based Birth had been great so far. They released the evidence on sex, pineapple, EPO, and now castor oil. There's more information coming out weekly through June. Head to the website ( and click 'Blog' from the drop down. Enjoy!
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Worked for me


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No. I still have all the stories of regret stuck in my head from women who unintentionally miscarried from ingesting castor oil. I'm seriously starting to believe this type of information is being put out into the world with the intention of causing harm. Just like that group of anti-vaxxers who targeted an immigrant community in Minnesota, compete with fake studies and a fake doctor, resulting in more than 40 in that community alone contracting Whooping Cough. Please understand that you may be causing harm from this posting, whether you intend to or not. 


Fe • Jun 7, 2017
If you haven't read the studies you have no room to have an opinion on this post or the website itself. You are choosing to remain ignorant and ignore scientific studies that may or may not say that castor oil is safe and may or may not say it causes abortion. You are angry over this post when you don't even know if the evidence is for or against using castor oil. You are choosing to trust anecdotal evidence over scientific evidence - scientific evidence that again, you don't even known is for or against because you didn't read it. Evidence Based Birth clearly states any benefit or risk in everything they report. It's an incredible website that helps women become informed during their pregnancy because our maternity care is in crisis. There are plenty of posts on the website where the risks outweigh the benefits. Cytotec is used for abortions yet also used for induction. Would you then say doctors who use Cytotec for a medical induction are jeopardizing the health and safety of a child because the medication is also used for abortion? Children die from vaccination too, yet I'm sure you're okay with people choosing to vaccinate based on your anti vax comment. Are vaccinating parents neglecting their children because of the slight risk of death?


Lila • Jun 7, 2017
No, because I would NEVER jeopardize the health and safety of my child based on anything that causes miscarriage. Castor oil causes miscarriages. It, as well as other plant based abortifacients have been used for that purpose for hundreds of years. It was used in times of slavery and today toucan find dozens of forums from women telling their stories of how to use it, and how they accidentally caused abortions. Do whatever you want, but encouraging an action that might result in harm or death from a damn link to a webpage is negligent at best, and deadly at worst. I'm done talking to you.


Fe • Jun 7, 2017
People can read the scientific studies and decide for themselves what to do. Did you read the information provided on the website and visit the cited sources they've listed? Posting EVIDENCE BASED information is not a danger. Everyone is allowed to decide what they are comfortable with doing. Providing scientific studies over anecdotal evidence isn't a bad thing.