BF concern

So I have been breast-feeding and pumping since day one but as of recent (the last 4-5 days) my nipples feel really tender. It kind of feels like a little man is pulling really hard when he's eating (and he even got frustrated to the point yesterday but I ended up caving and giving him a bottle instead). But when I self express I still have milk - maybe he's trying to eat faster than he can pull out? The cluster feedings have definitely been real this week too. I also upped the size of my breastshield a couple weeks ago to accommodate for more milk production. Any advice, recommendations or insight?
EDIT: so in my research it looks like the culprit is ovulation. But now I am seven days in and my nipples are even more tender than the first week of breast-feeding. Ouch! Anyone know if this gets any better? I'm about to consider other options for feeding my baby soon if it doesn't. Thanks!
Edit #2: Yep. I was ovulating. Today I was greated by my period. First one in a year and a half. She's baaaack 😅😩😭