repost help


This is going to be a long post but I could really used some unbiased opinions and outside sources to maybe steer me in a certain direction or just give me advice because I feel lost 

My boyfriend and I have been together for about 2 years now but things seemed to have gone completely south within the past month 

We've always had an underlying issue and it's my anxiety and the way I overthink 

The first year of our relationship I struggled with horrible anxiety, panic, and just mental problems in general. He was always there for me but it got to a point where it was too emotionally draining for him, rightfully so

All of my panic is gone but I still overthink and get anxious unfornatley 

For the first year we were very in love with eachother and in what we thought was a healthy relationship despite my issues and needs

Fast forward to about the past year or so, I've still had issues but they're not the same necessarily 

He doesn't know how to deal with it anymore and he says it feels like more of a chore and an inconvenience to be there for me, even if it's a legit reason for me to feel upset

Whenever we hang out I have this urge to cry and I feel like something is wrong, I feel like he doesn't love me as much or he's just not crazy about me and it's created so many issues because all it's done has made him feel pressured and unhappy, again, rightfully so 

Yesterday it came to our attention that he's unsure of continuing the relationship romantically because he wants to be happy and he doesn't know if being happy will involve me anymore 

We're both going to be attending the same college in about a month and a half, we will finally be near eachother after 2 years of long distance and it seems like weird timing

He says that he just doesn't feel the same, he feels unsure and unhappy and he needs time to figure out what he wants

So basically we're still together but he's struggling to figure out what he wants and how he feels and I'm waiting for an answer

Has anyone else gone through this?