Should there be a fine/penalty for hitting a dog with your car?

I know dogs get hit by cars frequently, atleast in my city. Friday I found a husky walking alongside the road while I was at a red light, I saw him collapse on the floor. I pulled over to bring him some water assuming he may have been over heated since it's really hot here in Miami. He wouldn't drink water, he was like moaning. I put him in my car with the air on when he started straining to breath. I drove him straight to a vet. By the time I pulled over at the vet and carried him out of the car his neck went limp and he started bleeding from the mouth 😭😢 they did chest compressions suctioned the blood from his throat gave him some kind of injection and he shot back up and began to breath momentarily. Then he stopped breathing again, the vet said he was bleeding out internally. He passed. They tried everything to save him 😭😢 The vet said he must have been struck by a car. I felt so angry. I just don't understand how it's ok that there isn't any fine or penalty for hitting a dog with a car, if you can hit a dog so casually you can hit a small CHILD. It was a residential area so people should be driving cautiously. I feel like if there was a fine or penalty this would be a more rare occurrence 😩 Thoughts ?