Stress gets the best..

Arianna • 03/27/2018💙 07/10/2020 💜
Kinda freaking out. So last sept. I had a mc with my 1st. Light TTC since. Trying for our rainbow. But this past month (May) we baby danced on all the important days and even a few other times. Af was projected for june 7. Im 6 days late and in a few hours it'll be 7 days late. This morning I took a test. Its ever sooooo faintly positive.. Im so scared that I'm going to do something wrong and I'll loss the baby. Ill have a chemical or a mc. Anyway Id be 5w1 day. Im jummping ahead so much and I cant relax. Moral of it all. I will retest in 48 hours. But if any of you wonderful ladies have some advice to offer id be so grateful... My mom and hubby are too upset about our lil bean to even talk about it yet..