Ranting about best friend

Okay so my friend and her baby daddy recently broke up two weeks ago and she's been bashing him on Facebook saying things like "My child won't have a temporary dad." Honestly it makes me mad. He's been there for her THROUGH EVERYTHING he just recently stopped coming around their daughter as much because he's having a tough time with their break up (they were together almost 3 years) which I understand. And she's bashing him all on Facebook trying to say he's barely there at all. Before anybody says anything we're both 17 and have been friends our whole life. It makes me mad because he does so much for her and their daughter and she tries to make it look like she's a single parent on FB and stuff when she's not, reason it pisses me off is I would give anything to have my BD be like hers, mine has absolutely nothing to do with our child, I actually am a single mother whose doing it completely alone, she's not but stunts on Facebook like she is so people feel bad for her. I honestly just want to whack sense into her, I mean she even left him for another guy. So it's understandable that he kinda doesn't want to be around her right now.😐