Our baby is finally here

Our baby is finally here! I honestly thought I was going to be pregnant forever even though she came 2 weeks early. I went for my 38 week ultrasound and had my weekly non stress test (I had gestational diabetes). I had been having contractions for 2 weeks and was 3cm dialated and 80% effaced the day before at my MD appointment. Everyone told me it could be any day now or next week which didn't help my nerves or feeling of being uncomfortable. When I got home from the doctor I was determined to help things move along. I took a long walk and then my husband and I had sex. When I went to the bathroom once we were done I felt a gush of fluid but wasn't sure if it was pee or not. I stood up and more fluid came out. I sat on the toilet for a while and fluid kept coming along with some strong contractions. I called the on call doctor and off to the hospital we went. By the time I got onto the table I was gushing fluid all over. I never imagined my water breaking because they say only 10-15% of women experience this. The doctor checked me and i was 4cm dilated. They admitted me right away and I was able to get an epidural. It provided some relief but then 45
Minutes later completely stopped. The anesthesiologist came back and administered more meds. Again an hour later nothing was working but it was already time to push! Perfect timing for the drugs not to work at all!  I only pushed an hour and here she is! Felt everything happening and holy mackerel what an experience. I needed 5 stitches as well. We did some skin to skin contact but then they took her away to check her blood sugars. The poor thing had to get pricked so many times to test her sugars- it killed me to see. We were home 2 days later where I got the stomach bug! It's been really hard being sick and caring for a baby but thank god for family members. Good luck to everyone still waiting for their bundles. It's all worth it in the end and the feelings of being annoyed that the baby hasn't arrived yet will be a distant memory.