weight gain

I am seriously getting stressed about gaining weight. When I'm not pregnant, as long as I'm working out consistently, I pretty much eat whatever I want and stay the same weight. I gained nothing in my first trimester but, once I got towards the middle of my second, I felt like the weight was coming on fast. I started eating clean (relatively... I have a treat or two a week) and working out again a lot in my second trimester when I started feeling good again. I'm up 23 lbs and I'll be 31 weeks tomorrow. I know it's still in the "healthy range" but it doesn't make it any easier seeing the scale go up. I gained 2 lbs this last week, & the week before and it seems as if I'm gaining 2 or more EVERY week lately. Is anyone else feeling like this? Or has anyone else dealt with this and have an encouraging story about losing quickly postpartum?! I'm a first time mom so any insight would be great!