Jobri breastmilk jewelry

Ladies, I am so incredibly excited. For mother's day, my husband and mother in law purchased me my dream breastmilk jewelry. I unfortunately only made it to 7 months, but it was 7 months of blood, sweat and so many tears trying to establish a supply that just never came. Her doctors can't believe I tried as long as I did, and tried to tell me to just give up. I didn't give up until I would no longer respond to my pump. So, this is my trophy. This is my trophy for 7 months of power pumping twice a day, and 30 minute pumps 6 times a day. This is my trophy for providing my daughter with a least a couple bottles a day of my milk, even though she refused to latch. This pendant is made from my very own breastmilk and Freya's umbilical cord, and I will carry it with me for the rest of my life as a reminder of the bond I shared with my baby. I'm sad that I could not EBF for a year and continue as long as she wanted as I had dreamed, but I am so proud of myself for making it as long as I did when everyone told me to just quit. Thank you to JoBri breastmilk jewelry for such an amazing piece of art.